Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kenya and the American President-Elect

I am looking forward to the opportunity to get an international perspective on world politics with my trip to Kenya. Specifically, the new president-elect of our neighbours to the south (who would spell ‘neighbours’ without the ‘u’) Barack Obama is of Kenyan descent. In fact, his father was born and raised in Kenya so President-Elect Obama is half Kenyan – his mother is originally from Kansas. When I was watching the results from the American election broadcast on election night, there was a special camera on supporters in Kenya who were watching the election with interest as he is considered a son of Kenya. I look forward to finding out more about the Kenyan reaction to the election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States.

As Friday is a travel day, it may be difficult to post a blog. If can from the airport, I will. However, we get into Nairobi late (Kenyan time) on Friday evening and still have to travel to Kijabe so I may not have access or opportunity to post for Friday the 14th. I do look forward to my first posting from Kenya by Saturday.

Thanks for all the support and well wishes these past few days. It has meant a lot to me and provided me with tremendous encouragement. I hope to be able to pass along your enthusiasm and support to the children at Bethany while I’m there. I also continue to appreciate your thoughts and prayers while I am there as well. That would mean a lot to me.

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